About Us
Started many years ago, all the way back in 1956, Glad Tidings Bible Camp
is located just five miles northwest of Crofton, NE.
The camp was started with the mindset of providing a
safe environment where people from all backgrounds could
come to have their questions about matters of life and
faith answered. It was to be a place where the gospel of Jesus Christ would
be faithfully preached and lived out and where everyone
would feel welcome, loved, and cared for even if they
disagreed with our religious tenets.
We tackle the big questions, but we also like to have
fun... lots of it! The camp grounds feature a lake,
zipline, canoes, paddleboat, archery range, an indoor
basketball court, gameroom, and an entire closet of
props for use in skits during family nights, and
several fire rings. For those who prefer a quieter pace
of life, the camp also has a small library, couches,
boardgames, and plenty of space to just wander and be.
Glad Tidings is equipped with dorm areas and shower
facilities to accommodate groups of all sizes. We host
a number of events and camps throughout the years, but
the camp facilities are also for rent during the off
season. If you have an upcoming family reunion, retreat,
or event coming up and are in need of a facility, please
contact us for rates and availability!
Contact Us
We are located in Northeast Nebraska between Norfolk, NE and Yankton, SD. We
are just North of Highway 12, 7 miles West of Crofton, NE and 20 miles East of Niobrara, NE. Turn North off Highway 12 onto 544th Ave., go 2 1/2 miles on the gravel, and the camp is on the right.
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Mission Statement
Our mission statement is simple; "Glad Tidings Bible Camp
seeks to impact lives for Jesus Christ by clearly presenting
the Gospel plan of salvation and by edifying both campers
and staff through example, Bible teaching and godly
fellowship in a fun and challenging, yet safe and structured environment."
Statement of Faith
Glad Tidings is a Christian camp, but is not affiliated with any church or denomination and this allows the camp
to serve all different Christian churches and organizations. The camp holds to a basic Christian
Statement of Faith.
Values & Policies
Glad Tidings values
- Biblically-focused events
- Presenting the Gospel message
- The power of the camp experience to positively impact lives
- The local church - we are here to supplement
and support their ministry
- Lifestyles lived according to Biblical values including
- Knowing and living as though God lovingly
made each person and has a plan for our lives.
- Healthy living (our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit),
- God created us in His image. He created male
and female, this being determined before birth.
- God's design for marriage being a one-man,
one-woman committed marriage relationship
- God's design for sexual activity being
contained in the above marriage relationship
- Relationships, especially the marriage
and family relationships, are the foundation
of civil society
In the interest of encouraging a sound
Christian witness and a healthy lifestyle,
our policies include (but are not limited to)
- The Camp's property and facilities shall
not be used for any activity or speech that
is contrary to any stated or implied
doctrine or religious belief or practice of
the organization.
- Alcohol, Tobacco Use, illegal drugs
prohibited on camp
- Participation in and/or access to any
program, activity, or facility that is
designated for use by only one sex is
exclusively limited to individuals who are
persons of that sex.
- Individuals shall not intentionally
present their physical features or dress to
be that of the opposite sex.
- Camp staff, along with all volunteers
are hired and/or accepted for the purpose of
being an example of these values. Such
individuals shall not be actively engaged in
unrepentant sin and shall not be perceived
to undermine or contradict the camp's values
through their actions, behaviors, or speech.
Glad Tidings is open for use by groups and
organizations of all sorts. We host churches,
organizations, family reunions, business
leadership retreats and the like.
We emphasize the Gospel message and seek to
partner with other churches and groups who do
the same. Events that we put on will be Biblically-focused
and the Gospel will be presented.
We certainly do not require everyone
who utilizes the camp to hold to our Statement
of Faith or our Values,
but we do ask that they honor those beliefs and
policies by not practicing or teaching to the contrary
while on site.